
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts
Showing posts with label books. Show all posts

Sunday, January 26, 2014

krásné ilustrace

Pořád někde narážím na nádherně ilustrované knihy. Úžasné nápady, krásně technicky zvládnuté, obdivuhodné. Vždycky si říkám, že nic krásnějšího snad ani nemůže existovat, a vida, nakonec se něco dalšího vždycky zase najde :).
Na facebooku se mi objevil odkaz na osm krásně ilustrovaných knih a moc se mi líbí, chtěla bych je všechny mít! To asi nepůjde, ale i tak mě prohlížení aspoň několika stránek moc potěšilo. Ta s holčičkou, co si kreslí červenou pastelkou nový svět mě uhranula nejvíc, v těsném závěsu je příběh o malinkých mimozemšťanech, co se potýkají s kočkou. Jsem z toho úplně vedle :).
Ilustrace k biblickým příběhům, které chystám já, tomu všemu nesahají ani po paty!

Monday, July 9, 2012


Life sometimes brings wonderful things.
Bathing in the river... and friends.
Woody Allen makes the greatest movies, I can watch them over and over.
The VERY naughty comic book Pascin written by Joann Sfar about jewish painter Julius Pinkas called "Pascin".
And the like :).

Saturday, December 18, 2010

about children and The road

I read an interesting interview yesterday, while waiting at the doctor´s (the magazine was there for the patients). It was a big interview with one of the most famous czech actresses/celebrities, mainly about children and marriage, but life generally. She has 6 children (two of them adopted); one of her children died of a rare illness as a baby. She´s married for the third time. I´m not her big fan (though I guess what she does in the theater is amazing), but whenever I read something she says, it´s really nice. She has extraordinary energy and humour. There was a lot about children... that it´s hard to care about them when they are 2 years old and are ill... but it´s even harder when they´re 20something and have girl/boyfriends. The life attitude is simply, no matter what you come into, you have to carry on and try your best at being possitive. The end of the article was quite moving (for me): "we all sometimes feel unloved, ugly, exhausted (or something like that), but you just have to push these thoughts away and smile like the bad things never existed" (loosely interpreted; I don´t remember it well). I hear similar things quite often, but I like that. You can probably listen to something over and over, if it makes you feel good (or better).
As a mother, I was quite relieved when I realized two things/rules: 1. love the child, 2. try not to kill it. That works pretty well for me so far :).

I´m also reading a terrific book, The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I´ve been reading a few novels lately, and it feels great after so much time spent by reading the school books only and studying... but this one speaks to me more than the others. I can really feel the atmosphere, the characters feel so close. It´s the kind of book you never want to end. I´m looking forward to seeing the movie... has anyone seen it?