
Showing posts with label films. Show all posts
Showing posts with label films. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 30, 2014

filmy Wese Andersona

Už se nemůžu dočkat filmu Grandhotel Budapešť, ale než ho budu mít příležitost vidět, zaměřila jsem se na starší filmy Wese Andersona. A jsou skvělé! Viděli jsme nedávno Darjeeling s ručením omezeným i jeho krátký předfilm (který by ale klidně mohl fungovat i samostatně) Hotel Chevalier. Barevný a výtvarný styl tohohle režiséra mi sedí.

Thursday, April 3, 2014


Na blogu  The Sartorialist jsem našla tyhle fascinující fotky z přehlídky. Připomnělo mi to skvělý film Fantastický pan Lišák. Maluju teď další postavy s květinovou hlavou, a zvířecí hlavu mám v plánu delší dobu taky.

Thursday, November 14, 2013

v pelechu

Včera byly děti hrozně hodný. Vyrobily si takovýhle ležení v obýváku na zemi. Ocitly se nám tu totiž nedopatřením nějaké peřiny navíc.
Dobrá zpráva je, že oba moje obrazy, co jsem darovala na bienále pro diakonii, už mají nové majitele! Zatím nevím, kdo si je koupil. Mám z toho fakt radost, zamluvily se asi hned ten první večer.
Po letech jsme se znova podívali na Ztraceno v překladu, a moc se nám to líbilo. Mně asi víc než tenkrát, když to bylo nové. Skvěle natočený film.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Before sun...

A while ago, I desparately wanted to see a good, romantic, positive, intelligent, interesting movie. I was thinking hard what to look for and then I remembered: Before sunrise/Before sunset could be the one! I´ve read about it few times but it took me long time to actually see it. We saw Before sunrise at first and it was good - an original love story that´s more about talking than about doing anything. Two strangers (played by Ethan Hawke and Julie Delpy) that meet, talk, walk, fall in love... for one night (in Wienna!).

And then we saw Before sunset, of course. The sequel takes place nine years later after the first one, when the characters meet again (in Paris!). Older, maybe more wise and honest... but definitely with a much better script :). We loved Before sunset, the film was breathtaking, so well made and written. Again, it´s talking, talking about love, life, sex, relationships... but in more dramatic and mature way. It´s all very natural and outstanding at the same time. After we watched it, I had immediate urge to watch it again. It also has a genius ending to it. Great film!
  And Julie Delpy had gorgeous clothes on in this film :). Don´t you love the cream jacket and the black blouse? I would wear both :).

Monday, July 9, 2012


Life sometimes brings wonderful things.
Bathing in the river... and friends.
Woody Allen makes the greatest movies, I can watch them over and over.
The VERY naughty comic book Pascin written by Joann Sfar about jewish painter Julius Pinkas called "Pascin".
And the like :).

Sunday, June 12, 2011

black dress

I finished making this black dress - it took me quite a lot of time to make it. More time than I would like, actually. I guess it´s not a good thing that I want everything to be completed as soon as possible... most things need a lot of time to be finished. It´s similar with painting: I have to learn to make things slowly, be patient, pay attention to details. Sometimes I wonder if there is some point in the things I do and make. Am I doing it right? What´s the use of it all? What if I´m wasting my time on something? With sewing it´s a bit easier, of course, because I like that it´s practical and the result is useful usually. Mostly you also save money when sewing. But, isn´t sewing these dresses such a vain? After all, I don´t have many occasions to wear them... With painting and many other things I do, I´m sometimes quite unsure whether it´s good for something. I hope it is, at least for myself and my friends who like to look at the paintings.
So, here´s my new dress. The fabric is lovely cotton and linen blend. I made this dress while watching the fabulous Love and death by Woody Allen - his funniest film I think. I could quote it all day long. I love everything about this film. "I never want to marry. I just want to divorce." Hahaha! Great film, highly recommended :).

Wednesday, December 29, 2010

in the country

I´m back from a great trip to my husband´s parents´ place. We visited our friends, who are artists - I got a great paper native scene our friend made, but I have to cut it out and stick together first. We went for a long walk in the freezy and snowy fields and forest, it was perfect. I saw a great czech movie, Happy end. I have never seen anything like it. The way this film is made is exceptional - the whole movie runs backwards (from the end of the film to the beginning), but there is also a narration, which makes it a completelely different logical story at the same time. It starts when the main character is killed (but he actually just starts to live...), because he murdered his wife, then you see him bringing the dead wife to life etc., back to the time when they first met at he end of the film. It´s very funny, perfectly made with attention to every detail (i.e. the dialogues in the film are spoken "backwards", of course, but they make sense "both ways" and are funny. I think I was laughing all the time while watching this - there are great jokes with food - you see people eat backwards - they pull the food out of their mouths, spit out backwards... just simple things, but so witty. When a baby is "born", they say thay lost the baby forever... and it´s thrue! I loved it. Very original movie.

Saturday, December 18, 2010

about children and The road

I read an interesting interview yesterday, while waiting at the doctor´s (the magazine was there for the patients). It was a big interview with one of the most famous czech actresses/celebrities, mainly about children and marriage, but life generally. She has 6 children (two of them adopted); one of her children died of a rare illness as a baby. She´s married for the third time. I´m not her big fan (though I guess what she does in the theater is amazing), but whenever I read something she says, it´s really nice. She has extraordinary energy and humour. There was a lot about children... that it´s hard to care about them when they are 2 years old and are ill... but it´s even harder when they´re 20something and have girl/boyfriends. The life attitude is simply, no matter what you come into, you have to carry on and try your best at being possitive. The end of the article was quite moving (for me): "we all sometimes feel unloved, ugly, exhausted (or something like that), but you just have to push these thoughts away and smile like the bad things never existed" (loosely interpreted; I don´t remember it well). I hear similar things quite often, but I like that. You can probably listen to something over and over, if it makes you feel good (or better).
As a mother, I was quite relieved when I realized two things/rules: 1. love the child, 2. try not to kill it. That works pretty well for me so far :).

I´m also reading a terrific book, The Road by Cormac McCarthy. I´ve been reading a few novels lately, and it feels great after so much time spent by reading the school books only and studying... but this one speaks to me more than the others. I can really feel the atmosphere, the characters feel so close. It´s the kind of book you never want to end. I´m looking forward to seeing the movie... has anyone seen it?

Friday, December 17, 2010

ships and birds

I admire Ann Wood´s work, especially the birds and ships. They seem strangely symbolic to me. There are more artists that make birds, and I like all of them. The ships are quite rare, I guess. The white, etheral ones are like some mythical ships, carrying ghots of wandering souls. It also reminds me of the film "The science of sleep", which I liked so much. The girl Stephanie created a small white dreamy boat, and this boat was what I liked most in that film.
I made a bird for my friend - very easy to put together, but it took me a lot of time to finish it anyway. Beads, lace, lurex, buttons, sequins!

I can´t seem to figure out how to work with the photos... it´s kind of chaotic. Any ideas/advices? :)