
Showing posts with label vanity. Show all posts
Showing posts with label vanity. Show all posts

Thursday, October 31, 2013

jak přežít zimu?

Zima je pro mě docela náročné období. Abych to líp zvládla, tak si to půlím na dva kusy - konec roku se můžu těšit na vánoce a silvestra, a od nového roku už mám pocit, že už bude brzo jaro. I když, při vzpomínce na letošní "jaro" se to může dost táhnout :). Jedním ze způsobů, jak si taky zpříjemnit zimu, jsou vůně. Poslední dobou jsem tím úplně posedlá. Zatím jsem si žádný parfém nekoupila, ale chystám se na to. Tyhle od Lush mě nadchly i tím jak vypadají. Retro lahvičky jako od kořalky a krásné potisky. Bavilo by mě vymýšlet takové obrázky a názvy!

Thursday, December 13, 2012

the risk of buying presents

I bought these two handmade brooches - they were delivered today. I thought I´ll give them to somebody for christmas, but now when I see them in real life I love them so much I decided to keep them. So much for giving presents :). From this awesome seller.

Sunday, May 8, 2011

granny chic

I don´t know what´s happening to me, but I´m really into old time-y furnishings, clothes and things lately. I´m not a huge fan of vintage clothes or patterns (or the word "vintage" ;), I´m ok wearing contemporary clothing, but somehow this style (or, just something from it) is very appealing to me. Few days ago I saw a retro gramophone in the shop and I liked it so much! Oh man, let´s imagine red velvet couches, lace, crocheted throws, brass beds, romantic lamps, florals... :)
pictures: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

p.s. next time I´ll try to come up with something more modern ;)

Monday, May 2, 2011


Remember the last photo from my Italy vacation? There was the beautiful baby pram. I loved it so much, I began to search for a similar baby carriage on the internet. Similar foreign historic ones are probably very very pricey, even to rent them is pretty expensive as I´ve found out... But czech ones from the 70s are looking already pretty historic too! :) And are super afordable. But then I realized: 1. I don´t have a baby 2. I wouldn´t be able to put this old fashioned pram in the car :). So, I haven´t puchased anything (yet). But one can dream, right? Or maybe I could buy a small version for my little girl. Look at these (more expensive ones and prams from museums) beauties! Much better than the modern ones, right? :)
photos from:

Sunday, March 6, 2011

sunny inspirations

I really love the weather now. It´s so sunny and light here! It actually makes my eyes smart and hurt... Oh yes, the spring is near - and so is allergy! :) I started to drive again, after three years... it´s quite difficult for me. But I hope to get better with time.
Yesterday my lovely friend Anna arived and we had a great day together. She also brought us many nice gifts. Including some nice clothes that I´m looking forward to wear. I should maybe make a portrait of her! Hmm, there are many painting inspirations too.
And what inspires me these days?

1. pale pink gown by Elie Sabb, 2. Paul Smith "Annie Hall" look, 3. dress by Pietro Filipi, 4. this dress on Nicole Kidman, 5. Balaeniceps rex :), 6. this photo from the sartorialist

Thursday, January 13, 2011

diy necklace with a bow

A friend of mine bought beautiful necklace (beads) with gorgeous bow. I like bows, they´re so feminine. Her beads were tied in lace, and with the bow, it looked very romantic. Unfortunatelly, I couldn´t find anything similar in shops... so I decided to make it myself. I bought simple pearl necklace and I got a beige ribbon in haberdashery (is that even a word?) and made this necklace. I sewed the bow in place so that it won´t untie. We are going to a ball tomorrow and I plan to wear this.

Monday, December 20, 2010


Clothes! I think about clothes all the time - it´s relaxing, instead of, let´s say, thinking about money, food, health, my future job, my future... Future in general is something that scares me (it´s one of signs of depression, I think :). So, I prefer to think about stupid things like what I want to paint or what I want to wear.
I´m amazed by this red coat by Louis Vuitton. I don´t like the shape at all, but the collar! Wow.
I´m inspired by this pink dress by Bokica Bo (love the clothes she makes!).
I want a pair of throusers with these blue/white stripes.
I adore this dress nad coat.
One black wrap dress, please...
And most of all, I need something like this :).