
Sunday, May 20, 2012

Krištof Kintera - Analysis results

We went to Krištof Kintera´s retrospective exhibition Analysis results. It was a huge exhibiton of his statues, objects and installations and was claimed to be very succesful. Some of our friends told us they brought their small children to see it, so I thought it was a good idea to take our three year old daughter. And to tell my friend to go to see it with her two sons (one of them three years old). Let me tell you, it wasn´t a good idea :D. The children were terrified and I knew they would be the moment we walked in. The exhibition was really pretty creepy. I would probably enjoy it without the kids, but with them I was just telling my daughter not to cry all the time...and apologizing to my friend. Oh well, this didn´t really work out, hehe. The most scary thing for Marie was a big devil playing a drum (see a photo my husband took of the unpleasant situation :). For a few days after this experience she kept asking me "why the little devil was playing the drum, mum?" Krištof Kintera did a really fun thing, though, he built a grocery shop in the foyer of the gallery (that was part of the exhibition). You could buy a beer (and walk with the opened beer through the gallery), or a flour and toilet paper. We bought candy to our children to calm them down a bit, so this shop really was handy!
In an article about contemporary czech art I´ve read this funny sentence: "Analysis results is a well prepared exhibition with a relaxed mood, where you can hear adults laugh and children cry." Well, exactly!

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